As seen in HR Magazine.


This year deliver a gift that will bring joy. Thanksgiving Turkeys and holiday hams have long been the cherished centerpiece of the holidays. This season, give the gift of culinary delight with Holiday Gift Checks. An ideal gift for all employees, and clients alike. A perfect holiday gift for so many reasons!

1. Convenient and Flexible

Holiday Gift Checks offer unparalleled convenience and versatility. Recipients enjoy redeeming for any preferred brand of turkey, ham, and festive groceries at a variety of local and national grocery stores. They offer the flexibility to deliver a customized favorite holiday feast.

2. Thoughtful and Personalized

Holiday gifts show the company values hard work and loyalty. Holiday Gift Checks have a special holiday message and can be personalized by adding your company name. Seasonal gifts are a thoughtful gesture for employees, expressing gratitude and fostering a sense of camaraderie.

3. Ideal for Various Recipients

Finding a perfect gift to satisfy all employees can be difficult. Holiday Gift Checks are flexible, satisfying the needs of a wide range of recipients, even those with special dietary needs or restrictions. They can choose a roasted turkey, smoked ham, holiday desserts or festive platters.

4. Budget-Friendly and Timesaving

Holiday Gift Checks will fit any holiday budget. Choose the gift amount from $5.00-$50.00. The entire amount will be enjoyed for a delicious holiday meal. They are easy to distribute to in-house and remote employees. Send ‘leftover’ gift checks back for a full-face value refund.